Sunday 5 May 2013

Juicing detox...

We've decided that, for varying reasons, for the next 7 days starting tomorrow, we will be on a juice diet... My personal reasons are, in no particular order;

A) supporting my husband in his '7lb in 7 days'
B) cleanse my system and get rid of my yucky skin and sugar/e numbers dependance

I'm fully expecting days 1 & 2 to be horrendous. Going cold turkey on sweets and crisps will be awful. I'm hoping it'll be worth it. I have high expectations.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Lazy sunny mornings

Ah, the lazy weekend morning :-) Lovely warm sunny day, the outside bedroom door open to the patio, the lovely sounds of birds singing and the pond fountain gurgling :-) A nice mug of tea in bed, to get you into the right relaxed frame of mind for the rest of the weekend :-)

Have a lovely weekend all!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

The garden...

Gardening done, have added to the cat scratches from earlier with my fight with the roses...

The previous owners of our new house let the clematis etc run riot and it's now quite woody. Well, it was... It's now quite trimmed after I cut off all the dead wood that I could reach. Hopefully it'll encourage it to have more flowers, but maybe that'll be next year now. Either that or I've killed it...

Monday 15 April 2013


Random stone by the side of a country lane! Is it me or is it a little bit on the spooky side?...